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freelance website designer

I am a freelance website designer based in London, specializing in the design and development of custom built brochure websites for small businesses, craftsmen, artists, makers and healing arts professionals.

Currently if someone wants a product or service they look on the web. For this reason it is of prime importance to have a website that reflects accurately the type and quality of product or service, conveys information in a readily accessible format and builds trust. Websites today are the prime marketing tool for most businesses.

A good brochure website design will result in more enquiries, yielding more sales and facilitate in leveraging prices.

I design and build websites from scratch and do not use the one size fits all approach of template designs. The result is a website individually optimized for your target market in terms of both design and search engine visibility.

Build on your USP, establish the difference and enable your product or service to stand out from the crowd.

Enhanced services which can also be included as required are: the generation of website copy, the creation and editing of images, graphic design, and adding in-depth search engine visibility.

The website design and search engine optimization for it need to be fully aligned with your marketing strategy and objectives. Therefore the following questions need to be addressed at the outset: What is your primary objective or goal? Who is the website aimed at? What do you want to convey to them? What do you want them to do? Answers to these questions provide the true north for the development of the successful brochure website design for the small business.

If you find the digital world consists of opaque and inaccessible gobbledegook then I am well placed to be able to translate your requirements for a business website design into readily understandable language. Terms should be meaningful to you so that you can make informed choices about which elements to consider when commissioning a freelance website designer for your site.

freelance website designer brochure sites

These are custom website designs and should create a strong on-line presence for the small business, with good design, copy, images, and download times. It is also important to have the website as visible to the search engines as possible.

A website should be able to be found.

I have seen some of the best websites in their class consistently failing to be returned in the first pages of Google search results across a wide range of search terms which should have yielded a better result given the level of competition for the terms. Indeed almost irrelevant material was ranking higher. The website was there OK but on page one hundred and something.

With a bespoke website design all design and development factors are fully customizable, which means a unique product with unique opportunity for in depth search engine optimization and search engine visibility.

The benefits are greater discoverability in organic searches meaning a significantly visible online presence, thus more potential traffic to the site, leading to more enquiries, which in turn should yield greater sales.

An 'off the peg' template design can be had for a few hundred pounds, or you can do it yourself with cloud services, however the limitations of this approach have to be accepted.

Bespoke means you can have any design.

As a freelance website designer I use Dreamweaver CS5, HTML and CSS coding with open source Java script and other elements to create brochure website designs.