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brochure website development

Website development as opposed to the design of the site covers the nuts and bolts, functionality, site testing and post put optimizations.

brochure website development includes:

Basic search engine visibility for the main key words and phrases denoted in the Title, Meta Description and Meta Keywords tags, and Alt. tags.

The testing of the site in the major browser versions. It is important that the website performs as intended in the major browsers. Browsers have a tendency to interpret data uniquely on occasion. Internet explorer is something of a case in point so far as unique interpretation goes, but it is still the most important browser.

Submission and verification of site to Google. Submitting XML site map to Google. This file tells the search engine a mass of information on what your site content is about and how it is structured.

Submission to main search engines.

Creating HTML site map for site visitors if the site is more than several pages or if the navigation is complex or less readable to the search engines.

Robots.txt file or Meta robots instructions.

A site should be built to be intrinsically mobile device friendly by design, or an alternative version designed for, and served to, mobile devices. (Mobile access to the web is statistically small for most sites but is increasing in importance exponentially especially in Europe).

Building the brochure website for good download speeds. It is especially important that images are correctly web optimized. Download speed can also helped by using servers which are U.K. based.

Submitting site to open directory dmoz. (This is an important human-edited directory which supplies information to Google).

Working to web accessibility guidelines.

Checking code and links. (Its always a little disconcerting to click on a link and find an error message, certainly this undermines the credibility of a site).

brochure website development can also include:

A more in-depth approach to search engine visibility, involving copywriting, structure, site assets and content to be search engine visible.

Linking to social media.

Content management systems. This is useful if you are expecting to change information on the site on a regular basis, ideal for sites with online sales of products, or listings which change frequently over time.

A blog can be added to a site, worth doing if there is something you want to blog about on a regular basis that is relevant to the site content.

Using webmaster and analytic tools to monitor and adjust site post put. This is functional SEO and is a long term process and takes about a year to undertake. This involves analysis of traffic and adjustment of site contents and design where appropriate.

Graphic design work for brand identity.

Setting up Google+ Local.(Formerly Google Places).

Adding Norton verification.(Lets folks know that your site is both genuine and virus free).