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copywriting for brochure websites

As a freelance website designer I can undertake copywriting for websites based on interviews and information supplied.

Appropriate copy serves to both inform the reader and sell the product or service.  The content and form of the copy is generally aligned to the target audience. Good writing and content is central to online brand recognition and encourages people to come back to the brochure website over time which increases the possibility of sales and gaining organic links.

It is important at the outset to determine the type of audience you wish the website to reach. Are you for example, wanting to reach an existing type of client or wishing to generate interest from a new customer profile?

Clearly directed and informative writing can help in establishing credibility, and making the market.

Good website copywriting and content development should serve to maximize the quality and relevance of the site material as well as describing the product or service benefits to the reader.

Creative copy for brochure website designs is an important aspect of the overall feel of the site. Writing for the web is an art distinct from producing work for paper. Because people read on-line in a different way, different structure and layout are required. Copy for websites in most circumstances needs to be simplified and broken into bite size pieces.

search engine optimization website copywriting

Because the web is a very crowded place copywriting for brochure websites ideally needs to pay heed to a search engine optimization plan. Largely this means keeping in mind the key words and phrases which will be used to match buyers and sellers, and guiding the reader to conversion, however that might be framed.

Search engine optimization copywriting involves significant analysis of page content and HTML.

On page keywords and phrases need to occur in the page Title, and the Meta description and Meta keywords as well as in the copy itself. Good website copywriting should enable these to occur in a natural and seamless fashion on the pages of the brochure website and not stick out as redundant or overworked.

Search engine optimization copywriting is best served by covering a specific area of information at some length and will ideally use the type of language which searchers will write queries in. For example, this section on search engine optimization copywriting could be expanded to have its own page and include phrases like "how do I get my website found?".