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brochure website design prices

Website designs are priced on an individual basis depending upon the design, content and variable requirements of each client's business. A good starting point in the process is to note existing brochure website designs which you like. This can lead to a meaningful conversation about what your requirements might be both in terms of design and functionally. An estimated cost can then be established for both the design and development work.

As a rough guide the following table gives ball park figures for producing brochure websites where the content, in the form of images and copy is provided ready to be inserted, and the key words are provided by the client.

1 page website a home page £190 +setup fee £190
2-5 page website a home page £190+ subsequent pages at £175 each
6-10 page website a home page £190+ subsequent pages at £150 each
11-16+ page website a home page £190+ subsequent pages at £125 each


INITIAL DESIGN WORK PRIOR TO APPROVAL and distinct from the table above is set at an hourly rate of £40.00. The design process establishes information architecture, overall layout, schematics, and includes these design elements. The total figure for this process can be capped if there is sufficient clarity about what is desired. Post the approval of the design the development and construction of the site can begin and is broadly outlined in the table above.

In general, text for each page is capped at 400 words which is more than sufficient for most pages in terms of layout and creation of a search engine optimized page. Addition of photographs at the guideline prices above includes the insertion of up to four images per page.

The provision of brochure website copywriting services and scanning in or editing of images would be an additional cost. Similarly if images are required to be generated by the designer this would involved additional time.

For the cost of brochure websites with search engine optimization (SEO) please see schedule below.

All prices assume the use of recommended servers and don't include costs of hosting or domain registration.

Site Updates can be undertaken at a price of £40.00 per update not totaling more than one hours work.

These are highly customized websites individually designed and built to serve each clients business and search engine optimization strategy and not generic drag and drop template designs.

a brochure website design will include:

As a freelance website designer I prefer to use servers that are U.K. based and perhaps a little more expensive than bucket shops, on the basis that server up times, enhanced services, security and support services response times are good and more than worth the few pounds difference in price. Importantly download speeds are good and U.K. based sites are seemingly favored by Google for U.K. based searches.

optional additions for brochure website designs:

Adding Norton/Google verification.

Content Management Systems.(CMS).

Following a particular design i.e. to fit with existing marketing paraphernalia.

Larger sites may warrant a visitor HTML site map.

Site optimized for mobile devices. (Differently optimized code served to mobile devices).

Video and sound.

Pages optimized for printing. (Extraneous and unnecessary content excluded from the print instruction).


search engine optimized brochure websites:

2-5 page website a home page £380+ subsequent pages at £350 each
6-10 page website a home page £380+ subsequent pages at £300 each
11-16 page website a home page £380+ subsequent pages at £250 each

back to prices
back to search engine visibility

These are prices for the design and construction of a brochure website which is search engine optimized in depth from the outset. In most instances it is significantly easier to create this from the beginning rather than editing and re-structuring a site after design or post put.

To create this level of search engine visibility the site's structure and assets must be rendered readable to the search engines. In depth SEO of this nature depends upon having relevant quality content in as much quantity as possible.

Depth SEO for the site signifies relevance to the search engines, authority tends to come from links pointing to the site. In general these will occur organically over time if there is content and information worth linking to. Depth website SEO for relevance involves the the creation of unique keyword profiles for each page on the website, so that each search engine optimized page can act as a landing page for one or perhaps two main search phrases. This involves the following actions:

This all in support of the creation of unique keyword profiles for each page. Thus each page acts as a landing page for one or two main search phrases. This approach adds to the price of a brochure website design but should be recouped in terms of enhanced organic traffic to the site.

links to the brochure website.

Links confer authority upon a website. They will also indicate relevance if they are correctly framed. The search engines broadly view a link to a site as a vote for that site. Nowadays links need to be from appropriate sources as well as in the correct format to be useful. Links also bring traffic to a site, a point which can be forgotten but this is the intention behind linking after all. Its a fair bet that the search engines analyze the traffic from links and what that traffic does when it reaches your site. Links that don't generate any traffic don't look much like genuine links, and meaningful linking is the objective for both the search engines and the website.

The ideal link is of a robots do-follow category. Many directories will give a robots no-follow link and these are considered to be less useful from an SEO point of view though if they drive traffic to the site then they serve a useful function. Paying for links is not considered to be a good strategy in general.

Links ideally need to be from sources pertinent to your business arena and ideally should be useful for increasing traffic which is their purpose after all.

If you are serious about SEO then a link campaign is essential. The best strategy is having good content which will attract organic linking. Initially however, the ball needs to be got rolling.

Links can come from various sources: trade associations, online niche directories, blogs, social media, online magazines or other websites relevant to your business. There are various ways in which to build quality links to your site. Producing worthwhile articles and submitting them to online magazines is an excellent method and certainly gets your company or service out there. Posting to blogs and mentioning your site in discussion groups is another way to further publicise. One can include links from friends and companies you sell product for or who's products you use.
Having content that is useful, informative, beautiful or notable which is worth linking to is the place to start.

Functional SEO for the brochure website:

After putting a site up analytic tools can be used so that search engine visibility and site traffic can be usefully measured, analyzed, and the website design or content modified as necessary. Examples might be to match content to search terms that are in most popular use, to match to previously unconsidered terms which are in fact being used, or to alter the link names or indeed the link structure to relate link credit from pages that are most linked to from other sites, to pages perceived as more desirable to gain uplift from links. Functional SEO involves the production of periodic analytics reports and recommended site adjustments based upon these reports. A year is a sensible time frame over which this kind of project can be undertaken for the brochure website.